MAY 13,2006 | SEARCH WARP | Cosmetic Dentistry Costs – The Best Treatment at the Lowest Cost |
JUN 01,2006 | SYDNEY MORNING H | Surgery with a view |
AUG 02,2006 | EXPRESS HEALTH | The ‘T’ Factor In Indian Dentistry |
JAN 29,2007 | CONSUMER HEALTH | Medical Vacations” – A Good Idea? |
JUN 21,2007 | ECONOMIC TIMES | India leaves foreign tourists all smiles |
JUL 14,2007 | MEDICAL NEWS | Medical Tourism in Developing Countries |
FEB 23,2008 | EHEALTH | India’s potential in healthcare tourism high: Study |
APR 16,1999 | DOCSGUIDE | Local Anesthetic Injections Getting Safer | |
SEP 13,1999 | MSNBC | Lasers promise less grief | |
MAR 20,2000 | MSNBC | The promise of pain-free dentistry | |
JUN 20,2000 | CHICAGO TRIB | Damaged teeth may have made lions hunt man | |
SEP 13,2000 | HEALTHCENTRAL | New dental anesthetic: better pain control | |
NOV 06,2000 | DOCSGUIDE | Etoricoxib, Relieves Acute Dental Pain | |
DEC 18,2001 | INTELIHEALTH | New Patch Takes The Pain Out Of Dental Injections | |
JAN 22,2002 | INTELIHEALTH | Root-Canal Less Painful Than People Expect | |
JUL 01,2003 | TAUNTON G | Latest advances assure pain free visits | |
JUL 28,2004 | SIMPLESTEPS | Ibuprofen May Not Be Enough For Root-Canal Pain | |
AUG 16,2007 | EUREKALERT | Whiplash may produce delayed jaw pain | |
SEP 30,2008 | NBC WASHINGTON | Identify TMJ Early in Kids to Prevent Pain Later |
SEP 24,2001 | E-DENTAL | Orthodontics Aren’t Just for Children | |
JUN 17,2003 | SIMPLESTEPS | You’re Never Too Old For Braces | |
JUN 18,2006 | DENT-NEWS | Adult braces on the rise for medical, cosmetic reasons | |
JAN 14,2007 | NEW YORK TIMES | A Badge of Childhood, Now Worn by More Adults | |
JUN 11, 2008 | SCIENCE DAILY | Most Effective Dental Braces Are Least Attractive |
JUN 08,2002 | DENTALREACH | Chewing tobacco may be banned | |
AUG 17,2002 | DENTALREACH | Sweet but Deadly Addiction Is Seizing India’s Young | |
OCT 10,2002 | DENTALREACH | Dental Insurance from Pepsodent | |
JAN 15,2003 | DENTALREACH | Indian village offers magic cure for dental problems | |
NOV 11,2003 | MUMBAI NEWS | 80 pc of city kids need to go see a dentist | |
JAN 21,2004 | DENTALREACH | Gutkha eats into good health: Oral cancer up | |
FEB 24,2004 | SIMPLESTEPS | Tobacco Toothpaste? In India, It’s Still Common | |
MAR 05,2004 | DENTALREACH | Kids using tobacco-laced dental products: Study | |
OCT 20,2005 | MEDINDIA | Rural India shows apathy towards dental problems: Survey | |
DEC 19,2005 | DENTAL-NEWS | 64% children suffer from dental caries: survey | |
APR 08,2006 | DNA | Adding life to teeth | |
SEP 06,2006 | MEDINDIA | Striving to Make India Free from Tooth Decay | |
DEC 26,2008 | TIMES OF INDIA | 90 per cent people suffer from some dental problem |
JAN 14,1999 | MSN | Cigar smoking puts teeth at risk | |
DEC 16,1999 | E-DENTAL | Could Soda Pop Actually be Good for You? | |
DEC 22,2000 | E-DENTAL | Warn patients of the hazards of toothpicks | |
JAN 23,2001 | HEALTHCENTRAL | Teeth-grinders more likely to smoke, drink | |
JUN 26,2001 | INTELIHEALTH | If Mom Chews Gum, Children Have Healthier Mouths | |
MAY 30,2002 | I-WIRE | Need To Polish Up Dental Habits | |
JUL 07,2003 | YAHOO | Brushing Right After Drinking Soda May Harm Teeth | |
NOV 15,2003 | DENTALREACH | Soda Damages Teeth In Hidden Ways | |
NOV 17,2003 | NBC4 HEALTH | Dentists Warn Against Oral Piercing | |
NOV 07,2005 | AAP | Avoid The Hookah and Save Your Teeth | |
FEB 23,2006 | WEB MD | Smoking Makes Root Canals Likelier | |
JUL 14,2007 | NJ.COM | Meth abuse destroys the teeth | |
NOV 27,2008 | MEDINDIA | Tea and Teeth: How the Brew Works Dental Wonders! |
NOV 09,1998 | REUTERS | Oral Lesions may be HIV Indicator | |
MAR 16,1999 | DOCSGUIDE | Why AIDS Can’t Be Transmitted Through Saliva | |
DEC 24,1999 | YAHOO | Mistletoe alert: more bacteria discovered in mouth | |
SEP 13,2000 | HEALTHCENTRAL | Kiss – And Have My Germs For A Long time | |
JUN 27,2001 | E-DENTAL | HIV Transmission Risk in Dental Offices Undetectable | |
NOV 07,2001 | INTELIHEALTH | Doctors Less Likely Than Dentists To Recognize HIV | |
JUN 10,2003 | SIMPLESTEPS | Dentures:Microwave Treatment Kills Bacteria | |
OCT 23,2005 | SIMPLESTEPS | HIV Quandary: To Tell Your Dentist or Not | |
MAR 28,2007 | DENTALWORLD | Tooth Extraction/Tooth Brushing Produce Bacteraemia of Endocarditis-Related Pathogens | |
NOV 28,2007 | SCIENCE DAILY | Developing A Bald Patch? It Could Be A Hidden Tooth Infection | |
DEC 11,2007 | NEWS MEDICAL | Mouthguards harbor large numbers of bacteria – can lead to disease |
DEC 23,1999 | YAHOO | Periodontists say fear of procedures is overblown | |
MAY 25,2001 | INTELIHEALTH | Bad Breath: For Some A State Of Mind | |
MAR 18,2002 | TIMES OF INDIA | Stress may cause oral problems | |
APR 26,2002 | YAHOO | Anxiety Over Tooth Extraction May Stress Heart | |
OCT 15,2002 | SIMPLESTEPS | If Parent Fears Dentist, Children Might, Too | |
NOV 09,2002 | YAHOO | Healthy Teeth Linked to Better Quality of Life | |
DEC 23,2002 | DENTALREACH | Top Worst Excuses for Not Brushing/ Flossing | |
JUN 24,2005 | HEALTH SCOUT | Scared of the Dentist? You’re Not Alone | |
AUG 14,2007 | ANXIETY CONN. | Stress and Periodontal Disease: Questions and Answers | |
AUG 20, 2007 | PSYCH CENTRAL | Reduce Dental Anxiety | |
FEB 21,2008 | DAILY MAIL | Churchill’s key ally was his dentist | |
JUL 18,2008 | MEDINDIA | Depression Linked to Tooth Loss | |
OCT 22,2008 | SIMPLESTEPS | Tailored Health Messages More Likely To Lead To Change | |
OCT 23,2008 | MID-DAY | For a million-dollar smile, Keep away from stress |
JUL 09,1999 | INTELIHEALTH | Women Have Special Dental Care Needs | |
APR 06,2001 | INTELIHEALTH | Closer Look At Jaw Pain Among Women | |
JUL 31,2001 | INTELIHEALTH | Pregnant Women Don’t Get Needed Dental Care | |
FEB 19,2002 | INTELIHEALTH | Dental Health Starts In The Womb | |
APR 08,2003 | NMD | A New Role Model: Women in Dentistry | |
APR 17,2003 | DENTALREACH | Menopause Can Sour Women’s Sense of Sweet Taste | |
OCT 30,2003 | DESERT NEWS | Clean teeth linked to healthy newborns | |
AUG 17,2005 | SIMPLESTEPS | Women With Eating Disorders More Nervous About Seeing A Dentist | |
JUN 13,2006 | DENT NEWS | Pregnancy Cravings Can Harm Your Oral Health | |
DEC 05,2006 | MSNBC | Can teeth cleaning affect delivery of your baby? | |
JUN 20,2007 | MEDICAL NEWS | Gum Disease In Postmenopausal Women Linked To Oral Bone Loss | |
MAY 29,2008 | REUTERS | For women, more children can mean fewer teeth | |
JUN 24,2008 | SIMPLESTEPS | Dental Treatment Safe For Pregnant Women | |
OCT 15,2008 | MEDICAL NEWS | Why Do Women Get More Cavities Than Men? |
MAR 16,1999 | DOCSGUIDE | Dentists Role in Recognising Facial Skin Cancer | |
MAY 15,2001 | INTELIHEALTH | Mouthwash May Help Against Cancer | |
OCT 04,2002 | DENTALREACH | Why oral cancer is spreading | |
APR 15,2003 | SIMPLESTEPS | Honey Helps Patients Undergoing Head/Neck Radiation | |
MAR 09,2006 | SIMPLESTEPS | Spit Test Spots Oral Cancer | |
MAR 22,2007 | FOX NEWS | Cancer Screening … at the Dentist | |
JUN 24,2008 | NEWS MEDICAL | Dental Blue curing light for tumors | |
OCT 28,2008 | SIMPLESTEPS | Long Delays Are Not Unusual Before Oral Cancer Treatment | |
JAN 14,2009 | SKY NEWS | Mouthwash Can Boost Cancer Risk |
JUL 20,2000 | HEALTHCENTRAL | When It Was Crazy To Show Your Teeth | |
JAN 08,2002 | E-DENTAL | Scientist tracks early man through teeth | |
NOV 05,2003 | IOL | Was oral hygiene the earliest human custom? | |
NOV 10,2003 | DENTALREACH | Did Early Humans Use Toothpicks? | |
SEP 20,2005 | HEALTHDAY | Teeth Yield Clues to Neanderthals’ Lives | |
APR 05,2006 | TIMES OF INDIA | Dentistry thrived in the Neolithic | |
APR 08,2006 | BBC NEWS | Stone age man used dentist drill | |
APR 08,2006 | INT HERALD TRIBUNE | Even in Stone Age, dread of the dentist | |
JUN 15,2006 | DENT-NEWS | 4,500-year-old dental work found | |
NOV 27,2006 | SCIENCE DAILY | Synchrotron Reveals How Neanderthal Teeth Grew |
JUL 17,2001 | PG NEWS | Anti-tension device for teeth eases headaches | |
SEP 05,2001 | ABC NEWS | New Device May Reduce Migraine Frequency | |
JUN 30,2003 | DENTALREACH | Dental mouthpiece could stop headaches | |
JUL 01,2003 | ABERDEEN N | Aberdeen dentist helping migraine sufferers | |
AUG 04,2003 | USA TODAY | Taking a bite out of headache pain | |
AUG 09,2004 | E-DENTAL | NTI Dental Device Now Prescribed To On Every Continent | |
MAY 16,2006 | MEDICAl NEWS | Study Suggests Tension Headache May Actually Be TMJD | |
AUG 27,2007 | MY SLEEP CENTRAL | Grind, Grind, Grind Those Teeth | |
NOV 24,2007 | TORONTO STAR | Nothing funny about bruxism | |
OCT 06,2008 | DAILY MAIL | Is your jaw giving you a headache? |
SEP 26,2001 | INTELIHEALTH | Oral Hygiene Affects Pain After Wisdom-Tooth Extractions | |
DEC 04,2002 | DENTALREACH | After age 25 wisdom teeth prone to disease problems | |
APR 28,2003 | IVILLAGE | Wisdom Teeth – Is It Wiser Not to Have Them? | |
MAR 09,2004 | SIMPLESTEPS | Many Wisdom Teeth Removed After Age 20 | |
SEP 23,2005 | YAHOO | More than wisdom in those wisdom teeth | |
NOV 05,2008 | SIMPLESTEPS | Some Adults More Likely To Have Problems After Wisdom Tooth Removal |
JAN 02,2002 | INTELIHEALTH | Elderly Bothered By Dry Mouth And Burning Mouth | |
MAY 15,2003 | DENTALREACH | Dentists warn over ageing teeth | |
DEC 19,2006 | SIMPLESTEPS | Today, Older People Keep More Teeth | |
MAR 24,2007 | MSNBC | Mouse taunts man, makes off with his dentures | |
AUG 31, 2007 | MEDICAL NEWS | Oral Health A Matter Of Life And Death For Seniors | |
OCT 10, 2007 | NEWS MEDICAL | Tooth loss may predict the development of dementia | |
OCT 24, 2007 | SENIOR JOURNAL | Dental Implants for Replacing Natural Teeth Attracting More Senior Citizens | |
AUG 26, 2008 | SIMPLESTEPS | Dentures Aren’t Stopping People From Eating Their Vegetables |